
雙語創新教學計畫介紹快樂 快樂國小 優質校園 雙語教學






教育局核准本校自106學年度開始試辦一年級雙語創新教學計畫,一年級新生英語課、英語閱讀課、體育課、國際教育、生活領域,至少都會有一節由外籍英語教師以全英語上課。 二~六年級英語課、英語閱讀課及高年級國際教育課程,亦皆有符合教育部師資規定的外籍英語教師授課。
本校致力於推動英語教學融入領域學習及生活情境中,以充分發揮潛能並發展良好應用英語之能力。為提供學生更多元及完整之浸潤式語文學習環境,故本校期許轉型為雙語創新教學和國際教育的特色亮點學校。 為提升學生語文基本能力,帶動本校閱讀風氣,發展思考性及融合性之閱讀教育,各班除安排在環境完善的圖書館閱讀課程外,全校於每週四進行晨間共同閱讀,以豐富學生的知識,另結合外籍教師資源及本校館藏豐富的西文圖書繪本,全校各班分組於晨間時間每週實施一節英語閱讀課程,培養閱讀興趣與能力。



Taoyuan Municipal Happy Elementary School is an English education specialized school.

The Taoyuan Department of Education has approved that Taoyuan Municipal Happy Elementary School begins to be an experimental school for innovation of bilingual teaching program from the Fall Semester of 106. Through English, foreign teachers teach first grade English, English Reading, Physical Education, international education, and Life Curriculum in first grade. Also, through English, foreign teachers provide regular English class, English reading and upper grade international education course from second grade to sixth grade. These classes comply with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education.
Our school is dedicated to promoting the integration of English instruction into learning and living situations so that we can fully develop students’ potential and ability to use English effectively. The school hopes to transform into a specialized school for innovation of bilingual teaching and international education in order to provide students with a more diversified and complete immersion language learning environment.