


Students are taught with a wide variety of dynamic teaching methods to stimulate enthusiasm for Taiwan’s own native languages; Lessons are blended into real life experiences or events. As well, in order to enhance students’ performance in native languages, the school divides students into groups and holds regular events related to the learning of native language to help students learn better and more about our linguistic heritage.
The school also holds speech competition to encourage students to showcase their skills in native languages.
The design of the “Happy Learning Passport” certification is based on the school’s core philosophy and features. It represents a model tool to guide the learning of students in keeping with our fundamental aim of instilling in students a positive attitude towards learning and helping them to develop effective learning strategies that will enable them to know and plan their futures.
Developing a positive attitude of learning is also an important goal of the school, the core value of the “Happy Learning” passport is to make sure that students are able to know and plan their future.