

為建置E化的教學環境,本校班班有電腦、單槍投影等設備,完善的電腦教室之外,更組織教學團隊,進行電子白板互動教學模式的創新,透過教師的課程設計與新穎資訊設備的應用,將資訊融入於各學習領域,提升學生基礎學力。 使學習管道多元化,學習資源更為寬廣而豐富,增加學習的深度與廣度,提昇學習的興趣,並可配合學生的需要,讓學生自主學習。運用資訊科技與網路平台,將學校轉變為社區中動態和創新的學習場所,培養學生成為好探究、具創意、既可獨立又可合作學習的學習者。

To bring English learning into full play, the school blends real life experiences into English learning.
In order to develop basic English communication skills, the school mixes native and foreign cultures; putting real life experiences such as holidays and events into the lesson plans.
In order to computerize the learning environment, computer, internet connection and projectors are set up in every classroom to provide teachers the essential tools and abundant resources to teach the students. Students not only receive knowledge from the teachers but also are given appropriate direction from the teachers to expand their own knowledge using the internet.