


  • ◎成就自己----自信:發展自信、樂於學習
  • ◎關懷他人----關懷:尊重關懷、樂於助人
  • ◎造福社會----合作:有效溝通、樂於合作

School Visions

  • ◎Self-Realization ---- Confidence : confidence development ; willingness to learn; self-motivation.
  • ◎Care for Others ---- Care : respect and care ; willingness to help others.
  • ◎Social Well Being ---- Cooperation : Effective communications ; willingness and ability to cooperate with others.


  • ◎培養學生身心充分發展之自信—發展自信、樂於學習;合作—有效溝通、樂於合作;關懷—尊重關懷、樂於助人的健全國民與具世界觀之公民。
  • ◎激勵教師專業成長,發揮團體合作與專業自主精神,強化統整課程、協同教學、課程研發、創意教學及多元評量能力。
  • ◎評析學校現存優、缺點及未來的危機與轉機,擬定行動策略,以發展學習型的優質學校。與社區保持良好之合作關係,主動服務社區,結合社區資源共創美麗家園。

School Goals

  • ◎ Develop students’ confidence, willingness to learn, willingness to work in groups, willingness to care for and help others.
  • ◎ Encourage teachers to improve themselves in their profession, focus on lesson plans, coordinate their teaching, utilize creative teaching methods, and develop and implement holistic, multifaceted assessment approaches for evaluating students.
  • ◎ Evaluate the school’s advantages and disadvantages, develop makeup plans to improve ourselves to a be an exemplary academic school. Develop and maintain strong ties to the neighborhood and gather resources to make both the school and this area a better home for our people.